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21 inch by 17 inch shamanic drum for sale.  Hand dyed buffalo skin on a willow hoop.  The crystal in the rear is one I had in my collection, which I believe to be moonstone but the energy and pattering were perfect for this drum.


This impressive drum has a grounding energy, visceral, primal, with a big heart.  One to hold you, see you, love you, know you.


The translucent nature of the buffalo skin offers really interesting light dances through the drum head, shadowing the lacing behind.  At times as the light in my studio shone through the skin it was as if it glowed like a beacon calling.  The strings looking like dark veins lying behind the drum head. Perhaps there is something of ..working with the shadow side with this one, but also glowing warmly, bring in light, acceptance, a deepth of acknoldgement and knowing.  Beautiful.


Born 25 November 2024 at 12.50 pm.


This shamanic drum comes with a double headed beater, with suede/leather one end, and sheepskin the other.  Both filled with raw wool from Gloustershire.  The handle is wood found on the ground during a local walk.


Is the medicine of this drum calling you?




50% off a rattle when you buy a drum

  • My shamanic drums are made from sustainably sourced hides and wooden hoops.  All my drums come with a beater that usually has the same animal skin used in some way, to connect them.  I always work in a sacred ceremonial way respecting all parts of the process.

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