19 inch by inch by 15 inch shamanic drum for sale. Natural reindeer hide on a willow hoop. The crystal in the rear is preseli bluestone. Made on an iron tension ring covered in English white rabbit fur. Beautiful scallop detailing around the hoop side.
This impressive drum has a strong yet gently holding energy. It makes my heart feel light and excited. As soon as I started with the inention of birthign this drum, I kept hearing the words Central Sun, hence the name.
I soaked the skin wiht moss, ivy, holly and some dried rose petals.
Born 13 December 2024 at 4.23 pm.
This shamanic drum comes with a beater, with suede/leather and more white rabbit fur, made on a peice of drift wood I found along the local river bank. Filled with raw wool from Gloustershire.
Is the medicine of this drum calling you?
Central Sun
My shamanic drums are made from sustainably sourced hides and wooden hoops. All my drums come with a beater that usually has the same animal skin used in some way, to connect them. I always work in a sacred ceremonial way respecting all parts of the process.