Our ancestors and medicine men and women have been listening to and following the heart beat of a shamanic drum to move into altered states of reality for 'Journeying' for thousands of years. In this altered state of consciousness we can ask our helpers in spirit question's. We can connect with our guides, power animals, the elements, directions, galactic races...literally anything.
Most importantly, when we journey, we are also traveling to, and learning more, about ourselves, via the portal of our own heart.
Our ancestors lived in close connection with the cycles of life, nature and the spirit world much more closely than we do now. Their lives depended on understanding and being in flow with the world around around them. And they invested time in ceremony, initiations, vision quests, giving thanks, and connecting.
Our domestication has offered us many comforts, and made aspects of our lives easier. However, with that industrialisation, something has been lost.​
Learn how to

When I first learned how to journey I was working with a book and a CD.
I found journeying very hard, I doubted myself, thought I was making things up....I felt so much disappointment in myself for not being able to do what so many others seemed to do with so much ease. Eventually I gave up.
It wasn't until I was on an in person course, and given some more detailed guidance...like a map, along with real time feedback that I finally got it. I had actually been sort of doing it all along. But as we all journey and 'see' so differently, I hadn't been able to find my way mirrored anywhere else. So I assumed I was doing it wrong. I got stuck in comparison, looking for validation, and then of course my self doubt blocked me. I had shut myself down.
There are three worlds that exist within what some call the Shamanic Realm. The Upper, Middle and Lower worlds. Often represented by a tree as a body that connects the realms. An Axis Mundi (a representation of the centre of the world where the heaven/cosmos connects with the earth). An axis or portal that works like a bridge between the worlds. One teacher taught me that you can travel via your own heart to these worlds. Your heart as the portal. Whilst specific traditions may vary, these 3 worlds are commonly accepted.
The Lower World accessed via the roots of the tree, can be understood as representing our sub-conscious. Each world holds different vibrational qualities. So energies of a let's say more earthy vibration reside here. Many spirit guides and power animals are found in the lower world.
The Middle World is simply the reality we live in now, but when we journey in this world, we are accessing an 'unseen' reality within this world. So for example, nature spirits can be accessed via this Middle World.
The Upper World can be understood as representing our higher self and is where spirits and power animals of a higher vibration reside. Along with angelic, cosmic, galactic guides.
If you would like me to support you in learning how to journey within these realms safely, and meet some of your guides and allies in these worlds. Click the link below to visit my workshops page to find all my currently scheduled courses.
For those of you wishing to try journeying, I have compiled a couple of simple drumming for journeying tracks that can be accessed using the links below.
Which ever way you choose I do sincerely encourage you to learn this life enhancing and personal empowerment skill. Enjoy!