What is a Soul Song?
So much of who we are, cannot be expressed in words. We reach beyond words. We are connected to all that is, where we came from, who we are now at this moment in time, all we have been before, all we ever will be.
It is the sound of your core being, your essence. How you express who you are at a soul level.
Singing your Soul Song is communicating with yourself and all that is; calling yourself forward, igniting the cells of remembering in your own body. Connecting with your ancestors, your guides and expressing that intelligence through your voice.
Working with your voice brings you confidence, understanding, freedom, and is a powerful healing tool.
For me it began first, with finding my own unique vibration.
Soul Song

My break through beach
Finding my own Soul Song, began first with me finding my own unique vibration. A note I located with my voice during an afternoon of healing on a beach, with my two dear friends Stacy and Suzie.
I had been diagnosed with bowel cancer which catapulted me into a deep healing process. I received this healing opportunity with open arms, and immediately saw it as a gift. That does not mean however, that it wasn't still a big challenge for me, my family and my friends. It was, very much so. But, in a way, it was what I had been searching for. Of course the route to the answer came in a package I would not have chosen, but that's kind of how this all works. We are challenged, and we either shift, or we don't.
So, there I was, flat out on a beach, with these two beautiful people, helping me. I had a break through. I chose to live. I was shown that a big part of me really struggled with life, to the point where it may have been easier to just quit and in a way I had been creating a reality for myself that assisted that.
Afterwards, we took a walk into some cave's, just to the right of the image here. It was like walking into the belly of a whale, with smooth white rounded stone lining the walls. The echoes were incredible, and we could see the sea from the open mouth of this whale. Suzie took me to a small pool of water that she had found on an earlier visit to this spot. It looked just like an open clam shell. Suzie had brought her crystal bowl with her, and as Stacy sat beside us standing guard, protecting, holding. Suzie and I both entered this pool of freezing water. Water holds so much ancient intelligence and is an amplifier. As Suzie began to play her bowl and work with her Pleiadian guides, I began to make sounds, traveling through scales, connecting to my higher self, to my soul. I began to move my arms around me, above my head and as they found a particular position, I hit my note and it was as if the whole world stopped and I could have sung that note for the rest of time. That frequency moved through me like a magical tuning fork - it was as if I was being tuned in to myself. My body felt it, my soul felt it. In that moment I was alive, and I knew myself in this life time, in a way I had never known before. But it was a remembering. Absolutely it was a coming home. I practiced that note during my morning cold shower every day until my surgery. I still do it now from time to time and the acoustics in the shower take me back every time to that cave.
I will never forget that day on the beach and remain eternally grateful to my friends Stacy and Suzie.
Since that wonderful day, this experience has evolved and over time I have now found my own Soul Song. This song is me. But it is also Mother Earth. The universe. All that is. It is a connection to my higher self, Mother Earth, the cosmos and my ancestors. I now understand that I work balancing the energies of Mother Earth.
Now I have this song, I work with it as a way of channeling all energies. I also support others to find their unique vibration and Soul Song. I can support other to tune in, connect, and express through sound.
This has the potential to be a deeply healing and profound experience as well as being a wonderful tool to evolve and work with. It is like accessing a whole part of you that was always there, you just didn't know it. Or perhaps you knew it was there, but you hadn't found it or express it yet. You connect with your core being, your core essence and express it.
From my own experience I know this facilitates finding a confidence and security in expressing yourself, in being present, grounded and authentic. It's also a fantastic self healing tool for clearing your body and energetic field!​
If you would like me to guide you in finding your own vibration and soul song, I offer 1:1 in person sessions at the rate of £200. This session will last around 2 - 3 hours or so. A morning or afternoon. It is possible for healing opportunities to arise during this session. I will hold you and support you through this. If you would like to talk to me about taking up this opportunity, we can arrange an introductory chat to discuss.
Tracey's voice makes me feel so much peace and power at the same time. A deep earth knowing courses through her song - a feeling that mountains could be moved but with so much love, care and grace. It's raw. It's authentic. It's vibratory.
It's an embodied visceral transmission that sparks knowing and motivation in me. It's always exquisite to hear her song - and it can open pathways of wisdom and remembrance and bring so much peace. She has a gift of inviting others to find their song in the mirror of her opening.
I know it wasn't always this way for Tracey - she's unlocked her power of voice and can guide the way for others who want to.

Thank you for your guidance and help today in finding my Soul Song! I learned so much and discovered a lot about myself and journeying. I loved your energy and authenticity. All I can say is, we definitely unlocked something in me because I can’t stop singing. And there are also different sounds or some chanting/mumbling that tries to come out every time I do any spiritual or energy work, like reading cards or Reiki. There’s definitely something to explore and experiment with!