We are all energetic beings. We have our own vibration, our own frequency, and we are always in flow, always communicating with the energies around us. We are in constant flow with Spirit, whether we realise it or not.

We are not separate from Spirit learning to connect to something outside of ourselves. We are Spirit. So when our attention is drawn to something, someone, a place, a course... When an idea drops into our heads to go look something up....and we do it......we are in a symbiotic relationship with ourselves as well as with Spirit; collective consciousness.
So when people say to me, I felt a nudge, a pull, a calling.... that is in invitation to follow something within yourself that Spirit is calling up within you, for you to see, meet, learn from, evolve.
If we follow the breadcrumbs that Spirit leaves out for us, we will in turn follow a path back to our own core soul being.