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North Star, the birthing of my sacred rattle.

Writer's picture: traceycoulsontraceycoulson

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

An image of a shamanic rattle made from bufallo skin and cherry wood
North Star, shamanic rattle

I found myself working quite late in my studio on the evening of 4 August. It was the day after my nephews wedding, and I had fallen asleep in the afternoon, tired from the long and happy day before. I had it in my system to bring in my own personal shamanic rattle, so when I woke, I went over to my studio, selected wood, set some skin soaking then went back to the house to make dinner.

I lightly set intentions. This was to be an evening of flow and surrender. To let what wanted to come through float in. I was not super focused or holding strongly onto any process. I had interesting interviews on You Tube running in the background. I was feeling, free, creative, in flow, inspired and open.

As I was cutting shapes out of skin to create form, I felt the shape of a drop of water coming through. I didn't know where this was going, I just went with it. The shapes left space for an object to be placed at the tip, so I left that opening and floated out the question of what would fill that space. I stitched the sections together, found a crystal in a bowl on the side that fitted the space at the top perfectly. The energy felt right, I had no idea what type of crystal it was, it didn't matter. It fitted and felt right.

Cherry is a very hard wood, its difficult to remove the bark, and carve but the feel in your hand once it is sanded and polished is like silk. It's beautiful. It feels like the wood caresses my hands rather than me caressing the wood. This piece I selected I noticed, had 3 'eye's in 3 sizes, small, medium and large running down one side like stars in a constellation. As well as a large darker 'knuckle' from a branch being removed at some point in history on the other side. The shape of the wood arched slightly like the curve of a shooting star.

I filled the rattle head until my body gave me a 'yes' to the sound the contents made in the head. I had left that to dry enough that I could work with it, while I prepared the wood. As I was attaching the head to the handle I could see white rabbit fur, knowing then, that this was to go around the neck. I selected a piece of fur that was random in shape, with skin sections dangling down filling my body with Nordic and tribal energy and images.

Very early on the morning of 5 August 2024, around 1.30 am, probably a little before then, the rattle pictured above had fully arrived. Made from buffalo, cherry wood, and white rabbit. I closed up my studio, glancing up to what was a dark night sky with just a few stars glowing, saying goodnight and thank you as I always do, as I locked the door, and went straight to bed.

When I came back to my studio in the morning I asked this beautiful shamanic rattle, ‘Do you have a name?' I heard ‘North Star.' My intention had been to bring in a rattle that was for me. To be my sacred healing tool. I laid myself completely open to whatever wanted to come through and I just began working. As I reflected on this beautiful new tool, I tuned into the information the given name of this tool was guiding me towards.

My dominant direction is North. I hold Mother Earth essence; am a ‘water baby/mermaid’ and feel a strong connection to the stars. I spent hours as a child gazing into the night sky. Wondering what mysteries were held there. When I went swimming I would hold my breath for long times under the water, swimming like a fish or mermaid with my long black hair flowing behind me. I swear to this day I once breathed underwater! I would play under the cool branches of the long drooping willow tree in the garden; talk to the spiders and horses, jumping on my sisters horse and riding bare back. Often falling, landing on my back and hurting myself badly, but always getting back on, holding onto the mane for reins like I saw the Native American's do in the movies.

Now, I often find myself balancing earth energies and re-calibrating after big energetic shifts. Working between Mother Earth and Father Sky. Always curious when I receive information, I looked up the words North Star. ‘The north star or pole star a.k.a. Polaris, is famous for holding nearly still in our sky while the entire northern sky moves around it. That’s because it’s located very close to the north celestial pole. …. Polaris marks the spot that is due north........ it is often thought to be the brightest star in the constellations and is visible to the naked eye. As it's position is stable, it is used for navigation. Whilst appearing as a single point of light, Polaris is actually a triple star system.'

In a line just as the eyes on the handle of my rattle.

A close up image of the handle of a shamanic rattle.
The 3 stars of Polaris on the handle of North Star

Then I was moved to check where the moon was in her cycle. It was a new moon. A time of fresh starts, new beginnings, and the potential for growth and transformation. My heart just bursts with wonder, joy and gratitude at these moments of receiving. I’m going to enjoy spending time learning more from this rattle.

When we birth sacred tools such as shamanic drums and shamanic rattles they bring with them so much wisdom and information for us, as well as showing us how we may work in alchemy with the energies around us, for healing and deepening our connection to ourselves all that is.

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